Summer 5k Plan + Nutritional Tips

preview*split lunges in half, i.e. say 50, do 25 ea. leg AND on days that I have listed Walk/Bike/Run for a number of minutes, just pick one!

Above is a 28 day plan. You can make it harder by adding miles, start at 3 miles and work up to a 10k, as well as add a set of tri-cep/push-up/lunges/squats/planks,etc EVERY day, instead of every other day. To make it easier opt out of the body weight exercises all together and focus on only walking or only jogging. Try to throw in at least one rest day a week to keep you going! Right now, the calendar is at an basic/intermediate level that will be a challenge for this group, especially if you are new to running!

Form is EVERYTHING. Core stays engaged on all exercises(belly button pulled to the spine)! Squat with feet shoulder width and forward. Knee should not extend over toe on lunges. Keep tension out of your neck and shoulders and engage that core!

Nutritional Tips:

Avoid Sugar! Every 6 days allow yourself ONE sweet item.

Avoid processed foods! Enjoy all of the great produce. Keep your meals basic and fresh. Protein, Veggie and MAYBE brown rice/sweet potato/baked potato(eat half of one). No need for any type of white sauce or heavy sauce. Light seasoning on your grill outs will give great flavor to your protein of choice.

Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking!

Keep your portions small. One trip to the buffet and potluck or picnic, no more. Chances are you know exactly what that cookie tastes like.

Try small snacks instead of big meals. Go for walnuts, almond/peanut butter and apple, slice of swiss and apple, LARABAR or UBER bars(less ingredients, you know what’s in them!)

Printable Version, Click Below.

Printable outdoor plan

(Pre) Pre-Natal Fitness

At almost 27 years old, I am beginning to face the fact that weekly weddings have turned into weekly expectant mothers. As it seems, everyone is embarking on this journey(I mean check out Facebook, we are doing really well at repopulating the earth)!

Because of this boom, I feel the need to speak about my experiences and conversations with soon-to-be-moms about fitness. I have yet to be pregnant, but am absolutely fascinated by the pregnant people in my life. It is a beautiful thing. But I hear the concern, I feel the concern. Our society is hell-bent on achieving a perfect figure, and the market of body-back recovery time is turning into a competition–WHAT  IS THE MEDIA DOING TO US?!

I have yet to fully experience this miracle, however I do encounter many woman who could change their pregnancy AND their recovery post baby if they choose to workout NOW, before baby is even in the picture. So if you are thinking about getting pregnant or trying, do not let up on your fitness but find a regimen that is easily modified as you become pregnant. These workouts carry over beautifully as your body changes and will hopefully allow you to bounce back well post-natal. They are also cleansing, relaxing and energizing to achieve a well-rounded(no pun intended) pregnancy.

Roxanne’s Favorite Pre-Pre- Natal Fitness–

YOGA –Yoga is a practice that if you don’t have experience in before pregnancy, you will really desire something like it during if you do not start beforehand. It’s low impact and easy to modify. It’s perfect for combating extra tiredness from pregnancy. ( DO NOT DO BIKRAM YOGA or HOT YOGA during your pregnancy)

Pilates and Barre–Pilates is fabulous to strengthen your powerhouse, otherwise known has your core. All of that pushing and more pushing when in labor, strong core muscles can help you through. Barre is a similar focus of core movement as Pilates AND is a great substitute for Pilates when you are pregnant. In Barre, you work  small twitch muscles and it is low impact as well. Be sure to ask you instructor to modify to exercises not to be performed on the back especially into your second trimester.

Spinning(Indoor Cycling)–Another great low impact workout. As your weight shifts, running and weight training can wear at your joints. Spinning is awesome because it allows you to go at your own pace. As you progress into your pregnancy you can lesson your work but still get great a great cardio workout and build leg strength. Be sure to watch your heart rate. Since your HR is already higher, be aware and do not get too out of breath as you get farther along.

If you haven’t been working out and are pregnant, that is okay! But that does not mean you cannot do something! Walking is perfect, especially if you are already well into your pregnancy.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor, nor am qualified to state this information is true for all individuals. This is based on my personal opinion and education in this area. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, check with your doctor before performing any exercise, so definitely make sure to ask the questions of what the doctor thinks you are able to do with your health history, etc.

Fit Club Lincoln

Exciting news! Starting Tuesdays and Thursdays this week I will be teaching 4 classes at Fit Club in Lincoln, NE. They will be Pilates based classes at 6:30pm and 7:30pm. The first week you try is FREE! Click the link below for the schedule. Fit Club is located at 4747 Pioneers Blvd. Suite 900 on the Second Floor! You don’t need to call ahead, simply show up!




Also, if you are interested in wonderful training classes, you can try a Fit Club group class. They base their workouts from Art of Strength training, Lincoln’s #1 Kettlebell gym. You are never thrown into it, they truly assess your fitness level and modify where needed. The 6 am & 7am classes are great. You get an intense workout full of variety, time flies and you feel good when it’s over!! Follow the link above to learn more! Their is a huge sale happening now–so it’s a great time to check it out.


The 7 day AM workout

Colorado trainer and fellow Simplyfitgirls blogger Tessa, teamed up with me when I visited her in CO!  We decided to create an easy toning workout at Red Rocks. High altitude(for me) plus beautiful weather and giant spaces equals an AMAZING and literally breathtaking experience.

Do this every morning for 7 days and change your perception on working out. I know you are energized by this fabulous weather to do SOMETHING, but what? Below is an effective way to get out of your rut and BE JOYFUL for what your body can do. It is time for a spring-time shift, and  a great way to boost confidence for short and tank season:)

Simple Squat. Legs shoulder width apart, knees forward, sit down like you are sitting on a low chair, stand up and repeat 15 times.
Simple Squat. Legs shoulder width apart, knees forward, sit down like you are sitting on a low chair, stand up and repeat 15 times.




Incline Push-ups. Find a wall, bench or step. Get into a push-up position, hands directly under shoulders and push upwards then return. 15 times.
Incline Push-ups: Find a wall, bench or step. Get into a push-up position, hands directly under shoulders and push down then return. 15 times.



Full Motion step-up. Begin with legs split and in lunge position above step. Use bent leg to life up your entire body and opposite leg into 90 degrees at the peak. Do not touch the step. Engage your core and focus on balance. Do each leg, 15 times each.
Full Motion step-up: Begin with legs split and in lunge position above step. Use bent leg to life up your entire body and opposite leg into at least 90 degrees at the peak. Do not touch the step with the opposite leg that is lifting upward, it is one full motion to the top. Engage your core and focus on balance. Do each leg, 15 times each.


Tri-cep dip with leg extension. Sit with arms straight and hands forward and stable at the end of a bench or step with your seat off of the bench or step. Keep one leg extended up. Press down into a dip, repeat 15 times each leg. Total of 30.
Tri-cep dip with leg extension: Sit with arms straight and hands forward and stable at the end of a bench or step with your seat off of the bench or step. Keep one leg extended into a hover position. Press down into a dip, repeat 15 times each leg. Total of 30.


Box jumps. Find a bench or step, about knee level or a little higher. Begin in a squat position, use your legs and arms to jump on the end of the bench or step. Both legs should land at the same time, hold at the top for 1-2 sec. and return to a squat at the bottom. Repeat 15 times.
Box jumps: Find a bench or step, about knee level or a little higher. Begin in a squat position, use your legs and arms to jump on the end of the bench or step. Both legs should land at the same time, hold at the top for 1-2 sec. and return to a squat at the bottom. Repeat 15 times.


REPEAT 1-3 more times, then run/bike/walk one mile! This is similar to the 28 day challenge, but if you were weary or unsure about what those exercises looked like, this will be helpful! Try this variation for 7 days!

JUMP-START your outdoor workouts!

Selfie Destruction: Before we press share

As I take a picture or write a post on my favorite social media sites, I find myself in two situations. The first, I press share without thinking, encompassed by adrenaline and wit of my post (so I think), and then situation number two, I press share apprehensively and self-consciously. In the later, I am thinking, “well I posted it, it’s done,” slightly concerned about my action, and pressing refresh; hoping for at least 5 likes to affirm myself. In the first, I have no remorse on  how my post affects anyone or anything, and the potential, even slight, damage I am causing my “followers”.

I have devoted my life to helping, loving and encouraging women to embrace the idea of health and fitness at a balanced pace. One of my biggest struggles is to express positively those ideas and thoughts about fitness and health in a way that is uplifting. I believe there is a fine line between giving encouragement and, unknowingly at times, inflicting guilt. Getting into shape is a big deal for women today. It’s NOT easy and it’s NOT instant. It truly takes work and discipline. I also believe certain women have an easier road to find their body and their health to ultimately transform to absolutely ideal bodies, leaving everyone perplexed. So I have wrestled with the social media thing. Do repercussions exist on what we post without thinking, especially regarding health and fitness?

So how are the  “I did this” and “I ate this” and look at my body  pictures affecting us? When I hear the media talk about how nonstop sharing of body/food posts and pictures can help us feel inspired and motivated, I begin to question the topic.  After speaking to some close friends on the subject, I found the sharer’s message is not always guilt-inflicting, but determined by the receiver’s state of mind and self-assurance level. Those that had higher self-esteem could block out the added feelings of guilt and comparison personally, BUT found their guilt came from feeling judgmental and sad for the over-sharers(made up word for blog purpose to describe those that over share). Those with lower self-esteem seemed to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with themselves because they felt they could not live up to the over-sharers

A few common threads were found, whether or not guilt or self loathing is a factor, jealousy appeared to be an issue with the majority. I also realized that of my small study group of women, each felt sorry for the people that feel the need to spend a considerable amount of time over sharing their progress.  My feelings on the subject are that more than not, no matter how you receive this topic, these posts seem to help FEW–even the over-sharers. The aftermath of the social media storm I have named Selfie Destruction,  leaves few in its path, whether we want to believe it or not.

Before you press SHARE—->

Think about how each post can benefit the greater good. Before pressing the instant share, ask yourself how you want to portray cyber-you. If done without tact or thought, it is VERY discouraging for people who want to make fitness changes or lifestyle changes when they see people posting six-pack ab photos, or doing things that are unachievable for the average person with a normal, busy lifestyle. Jesus had followers, but he did not make them feel jealous, he made them feel loved. Yes, even cyber-you can be more like Jesus.

Find ways to invite others in your journey on social media. To take a picture of what you have done and share is completely fine, there is NOTHING wrong with an accomplishment. Invite others to consider the adventure with you. Take a picture of yourself at the event or accomplishment but make it about the others competing in the event with you, or the weather, something funny that happened before or during, not only yourself.

Less is more. Post about yourself and your achievements. SOMETIMES. It is so great to see that every so often and so much sweeter for your friends and followers to see on occasion to see what you are up too. Make it brief and light-hearted minus the bragging. Usually, they can tell how awesome you are without any words at all!

Processing the SHARERS—>

Realize that what they are doing is not instant or easy. What your friends are posting about their transformations is not an easy task. This takes absolute work and they were probably in the same situation. Try to find a way to feel happy for them and possibly contact them for advice and accountability and the true story of their path. Not just a picture. Even though it took 10 seconds to post, it took 10 months or more to transform.

Hide. Unfollow. Delete your account. You can only control YOU. What is best for you if someone is being too much or you feel like you are comparing yourself too much. It is time to take a break from social media and work on yourself. Ultimately, this task of overcoming selfie-destruction is up to US. We must decide if we are to wallow in what that one person we never see is doing OR improve ourselves! How exciting that we can actually improve ourselves if we let go of our fear, jealousy and defeat and begin a new journey. Accepting the failures with instant resiliency and finding REAL friends to help us on our healthy path.

Heal your Core (Pilates)

To heal is to transform. So when I think of our core (a forever trouble spot) I know that we all have a need for a little healing there. A few months ago, I was feeling a little frustrated with my stomach, through countless core exercises I never felt like I really saw changes.  I began Pilates courses at the local YMCA as well another studio near me. I was stunned at the transformation. I could see great changes that I had not been able to see in typical core exercises that we have come to know and love(just kidding). I discovered that Pilates, yet challenging was absolutely cleansing and lengthening at the same time–seriously I walked a little taller!  In November, I started my journey as a Stott pilates instructor, inspired by the timeless exercise. Through my training I have learned to appreciate the Stott Pilates* mission which fits my motto of SAFE and EFFECTIVE movements. So as I have completed my home studio–pictures to come soon–I have decided to make small group Pilates one of my fitness offerings at SimplyFit.

Below is a form to contact me! Fill in your info so I can give you information about times, price and location.

Small Town Spin

I (Roxanne) have had a few exciting things happen in the last few months. One being a small studio start-up in a nearby town. I know many people and am looking forward to the chance to offer a great way for the community to have a new way they can be active. In September I purchased 6 spinning bikes! Each class is yet to be filled each week, however new, excited spinners are welcoming the workout each week–which is GREAT news.

Spinning is a great exercise that is fantastic for supplementing avid marathon runners or those that need a change from the everyday cardio. It has been proven that if done correctly, spinning can burn over 500 calories in a 45 minute session. Truly amazing. For those that are skeptical of spinning because of a recent controversy by a trainer stating spinning can “bulk” you up–I assure you, there is no way–NOT IN MY CLASS. Your leg muscles, including your calves are going to look absolutely amazing. Beautifully toned. It is important to keep pushing and challenging so you do not plateau, which could cause the body to stop feeling the effects of the exercise. It’s important to up speed, up gears, listen to your body and take a break when you need it. It’s a tough  45 minutes–but you will absolutely love it!

Check out the information below(CLICK ON SPINNING TWICE)! If you’re in our near the area please let me know if you wish to stop by! Stay tuned for the other exciting happening–HINT: HOME STUDIO!


Overcome the Excuses

As the holiday season approaches, the days become shorter, our bodies becomes less of a priority and we begin to feel BLAHHH. We thought our lives were busy before– BUT we all know during this time of year are schedules explode with fun activities, parties and not to mention endless comfort food cravings, plus lack of daylight and energy! Listed are some obstacles you may find in your way when it comes to your health BUT ways to OVERCOME when your weeks are jam-packed and your motivation slips quickly down the slippery slope.

Obstacle #1: No time. EVER. 

Plan to overcome: Re-evaluate your day and how much time you spend doing each task. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in menial tasks that do not benefit us. Really dig deep to see if there is something you can give up, OR a space a few times a week that you add it into your daily routine. Look up a consistent early morning exercise class that you could sacrifice waking up a little earlier a few times a week.

Obstacle #2: Low ENERGY. Ho hum. You know what lack of energy can lead to–bad choices(eating, leisure) and sedentary lifestyles. Not saying your lack of energy is not real and valid–but there is a solution if you work at it!

Plan to overcome: Exercise DOES increase energy levels and clears your mind of stress and anxiety. It’s proven(scientifically and personally), I promise. Schedule your most nutritional meals around workouts.  (Almond butter on whole wheat bread, smoothie, banana and yogurt, eggs w. fruit, chicken on salad to name a few). Try heading to bed 30-45min earlier. I have done this–life changer. Also, find a time where you feel you have the most energy. Maybe it’s over the lunch hour or right after work.

Obstacle #3: NO self motivation or willpower…..

Plan to overcome: Set realistic goals, i.e. run a 5k, workout 150 min. each week, go to bed earlier, etc. Schedule your day AROUND your workout, instead of squeezing it in. Again–ask yourself if your health is worth it!

Obstacle #4: Lack of ability. Fear that you can’t, is crippling! 

Plan to overcome: Find a short-term personal trainer or a class that can boost your confidence, skill, and insight about your body and the gym. Let the trainer know what your fear is and they can specialize in your needs. Another idea–find a friend that loves to try new things, they can push you into those classes!

Obstacle #5: Fear of Injury (or injuring again). 

Plan to overcome: Evaluate the risk over the reward. However, if are concerned about a past injury a trainer can insure safety and progress at YOUR pace.

Obstacle #6: Social Pressure–Family and friends are workout skeptics OR fear or ashamed to workout in front of people.

Plan to overcome: Invite the family/friend skeptics to a workout. Maybe invite them with a GroupOn for a free session to a class–deep down they want to. Realize that others don’t really care and they probably aren’t looking at you! IF for some reason they are, use it as fuel to work harder:) Another option–figure out your gym’s low traffic times, I can assure Sunday afternoon is one of the BEST times to get to a gym.

A fresh take on Fridays

The week is done, the mind is shut down and ready for the weekend. It’s time to transform the old Friday outlook and embrace Fridays differently. “Letting go” on Friday because we deserve it, is asking for a binge weekend of no activity and sugar highs. NO, our body does NOT deserve that.

A fresh take:

Plan a consistent, unchanging workout for Friday. As much as you can, rain or shine, snow or wind commit to that workout every Friday. The catch: make it as simple as possible but make it a favorite. This will end the wondering of what to do– which leads to procrastination and avoidance. If it’s not a workout, switch your mindset and focus on eating a healthy lunch or breakfast on Friday AND make it a must(instead of that cupcake).

Fresh Friday (SIMPLE) Ideas:

Run or Walk 3 miles every Friday–perfect amount and you can be done in 25-40 min depending on your pace.

Bike 40-45 min. every Friday

Do Yoga or class that excites you–most gyms offer classes or you could try one for free OR find a clip online.

Make a smoothie for lunch with a handful of greens(spinach), (1/4 scoop) of chocolate protein powder, frozen strawberries, blueberries and peaches(1-11/2 c. total), (1tbsp.) of almond butter, and almond milk(1c.)

All of these options will boost your mood and add to your motivation to stay healthy!





YAY. It’s summer! I wanted to extend an invite to the women out there that know someone in or near Milford, NE OR maybe you do yourself!  My mom, Brenda, (resident of Milford) is graciously donating her DECK twice a week–she has a GREAT space there for restorative and functional workouts. The details are in the flier! Remember this is NOT a boot camp, if that’s more your style-PERFECTLY OKAY! These 40-50 minute sizzler workouts will tone and strengthen while improving flexibility and balance.
Click twice on the link below to learn MORE. All ages and fitness levels welcome, bring a friend!(May have to limit it OR make it more available depending on the turn out or demand for different times)
Don’t miss out on this affordable opportunity to get your body back!
Love, Roxanne