Summer 5k Plan + Nutritional Tips

preview*split lunges in half, i.e. say 50, do 25 ea. leg AND on days that I have listed Walk/Bike/Run for a number of minutes, just pick one!

Above is a 28 day plan. You can make it harder by adding miles, start at 3 miles and work up to a 10k, as well as add a set of tri-cep/push-up/lunges/squats/planks,etc EVERY day, instead of every other day. To make it easier opt out of the body weight exercises all together and focus on only walking or only jogging. Try to throw in at least one rest day a week to keep you going! Right now, the calendar is at an basic/intermediate level that will be a challenge for this group, especially if you are new to running!

Form is EVERYTHING. Core stays engaged on all exercises(belly button pulled to the spine)! Squat with feet shoulder width and forward. Knee should not extend over toe on lunges. Keep tension out of your neck and shoulders and engage that core!

Nutritional Tips:

Avoid Sugar! Every 6 days allow yourself ONE sweet item.

Avoid processed foods! Enjoy all of the great produce. Keep your meals basic and fresh. Protein, Veggie and MAYBE brown rice/sweet potato/baked potato(eat half of one). No need for any type of white sauce or heavy sauce. Light seasoning on your grill outs will give great flavor to your protein of choice.

Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking!

Keep your portions small. One trip to the buffet and potluck or picnic, no more. Chances are you know exactly what that cookie tastes like.

Try small snacks instead of big meals. Go for walnuts, almond/peanut butter and apple, slice of swiss and apple, LARABAR or UBER bars(less ingredients, you know what’s in them!)

Printable Version, Click Below.

Printable outdoor plan

Simply Challenge: 28 days of cardio and strength simplicity

Simply(FIT) Challenge time!!! Spring is on the horizon–which means shorter pants and less layers. I love layers, I am always sad to see them go. So INSTEAD let us be happy about letting them go and try a 28 day until spring-time challenge! I could not make this challenge more straight forward and simple. Again, if running is not your ‘thing’ all the time, but you want to dabble in it–this is a great challenge! If you have knee issues or other injuries, feel free to apply this to biking–just add 2 miles  each week(3 miles biking is roughly the equal to 1 mile running). If you want to swim, subtract a mile from each week(a half of a mile is a lot in swim terms).

This challenge is unique because it begins on a FRIDAY(TOMORROW). I know, abnormal to begin something on the biggest slow-it-down day of the week, but I love shaking it up and starting a weekend right. The tendency is to let up on our bodies during the weekend, HOWEVER many times the weekend is when we have the most time to care for our bodies. Simply (Challenge) is beginning on a day against the odds–the weekend. Each week the challenge increases a bit but stays the same everyday that week. Throughout the 28 days(if you stay true) you will continue to grow in your fitness without a plateau and you will have an EXCELLENT base for summer  and spring activities.

Week 1–Friday to Friday:

February 21-28: Run/Jog/Walk 1.5 miles–During activity: pick up speed( walk to speed walk, jog to run, run to sprint )for 20 sec, 8 times during your mile. The first few days can be a mixture of walk run until you gain fitness. Find a place for a 30 sec. plank, bringing your belly button to your spine, arms under shoulders and hold. Push-ups–3 sets of 10 push-ups on knees or in plank position to begin engaging your core–use your entire body for your push-up!

Week 2–Saturday-Friday:

March 1–7–Run/Jog/Walk 2 miles –During your run–add 10 speed increases at 20 seconds to wake up your body so it doesn’t get idle in your jog/walk/run. Plank for 45 seconds! 4 sets of 10 push-ups!! 3 sets of 10 triceps dips: find a bench, feet extended, dip down with your elbows bent and push up.

Week 3 Saturday-Friday:

March 8-March 14–Run/Jog/Walk 2.5 miles!! YES. During your run add 12 speed increases throughout of 10 seconds each throughout your run/walk/jog. Plank for 1 min.!! 50 PUSH-UPS. 4 sets of 10 triceps dips. 10 burpees–get into a plank position on the ground, step or jump feet forward and then reach or jump to the sky, return to plank position and repeat.

Week 4 Saturday-SPRING:

March 15-20–Run/Walk/Jog 3 miles. WOW!!! During your run add 14 speed increases of 10 seconds each throughout your run. Plank for 1 min. 30 sec. AND 60 push-ups. 50 triceps dips. 20 BURPEES. YAY!

**It is okay to alternate exercises and break them up in sets of 10s, i.e. 10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, Plank, and repeat until you meet the day total!

IMPORTANT: If you miss a day, it’s okay, just start up where you left off. AND if you need a break one day, just run a little less so you can get after it the next. It’s a challenge, so yes it is everyday, but that’s the point!

Printable Calendar–28 day challenge!

Let’s conquer what the winter did to us this year and finish strong!



On the First Day of Simplyfitgirls 25 day challenge…

We challenge you to a Plank. (If you want you can sing the 25 days of Christmas tune along with each of our challenges:)

-Perform a plank on your forearms with your hips slightly lifted so your back doesn’t dip down.

-Hold for at least 30 seconds up to 1 min or more (depending on your abilities).  Do 4 sets.

-Planks may seem like a simple exercise but they are very important to strengthen your transverse abdomen that wraps around your entire core.

We are so excited about the 25 days until Christmas challenge. Each day, all of us will gradually build strength and fitness  together. A little goes a long way!  Comment on your progress, we want to know how each day is, from the challenges to the victories.

