More then just a Marathon

As a runner, I always get asked if I have run a marathon.  The last four years I sleepishly  nod my head and follow it with, “but it was the worst race I have ever ran…”  I was ashamed of my experience. It was painful and I hated almost every step of the race.  I want what I think most want from a marathon.  I wanted to cross it off my list.  I wanted it to be a part of my story. But I hated the outcome and instead ended up leaving it out. I mean, I couldn’t even put a coveted 26.2 sticker on my car!

Fast forward to four years later, 9 half marathons under my belt and I was finally at least “open” to the idea of running another marathon.  So many life changes happened to me in 2015.  In July, I quit the job that I had been at for three and a half years, took a leap of faith and started personal training at a studio with many of my co-workers .  I realized I had never quit a job.  Even though I was going to be in the same line of work, I did not have a secured income.  Despite the uneasy feeling I knew in my heart, for my own health and well-being, this was the best step for me.  Most of all I was beginning to not only say it, but believed God would provide. Relinquishing control was going to be no easy journey.

Then I was given an open door. I spent a weekend with one of my best friends and running buddies at the end of October.  Emily has asked me multiple times to do another marathon with her.  I have given her the same look and response every time.  It was a quick ‘no ‘and a change of subject.  You know someone is a true friend when they are persistent.  She seemed to believe in me more than I believed in myself.  I went to visit Emily and her husband, Sean, to get away, be encouraged and spend quality time with them.  I was at a point where I was struggling with what was next.  I had many frustrations toward God and not understanding where he was leading me and why I had to go through so many ups and downs that fall. I knew I needed to revamp my outlook.  Emily and I started talking about running and the impact it has on our lives.  We were trying to figure out what our next race would be.  I always assume she knows it will be a half-marathon.  Then I said I would really like to go to Austin again and race in February.  Emily pointed out that we couldn’t fly all the way to Austin and run the half…I surprised myself by saying, “lets do it.”

Lets run the FULL MARATHON.  In my head thinking, are these words really coming out of my mouth??? Emily was just as surprised as I was.  But it was time.  It was time to overcome my fear of marathons.  But most importantly, running is where I feel closest to God.  It is the place I have had my biggest breakdowns and biggest breakthroughs.  God has taught me lessons and revealed more to me then I even know, through running.  In a season where I needed to stop seeking affirmation from this world, training for a full marathon was my way of growing closer to God.

Emily, Sean and I sat in Starbucks that Sunday morning dreaming and getting giddy about the possibility of running the marathon in Austin.  Sean just laughed at us because we sounded like crazy girls getting so excited to run 26.2 mile while training through the winter and the holidays.  We were up for the challenge, being only 15 weeks away we couldn’t linger on this decision.  We had to decide quickly, start making travel plans and study our training plan.

Emily and I texted each other almost daily telling each other of our great runs or those days we had to pound away for 8 miles on the treadmill.  We were able to do almost all of our long runs together.  We endured negative degree temps, snow obstacles and the occasional 60 degree January Saturday. Those long runs provided us with time to talk about our weeks, our relationship with God and dreams of the future.

Fast forward to February 14, 2016.  Valentine’s Day.  Or as we called it that weekend, GALentine’s Day.  As a single girl, I wasn’t by myself on this day.  I was with 4 amazing friends.  I was also about to run 26.2 miles on this romantic holiday.  My confidence was high about the race and our training.  It all hit me that morning.  I felt sick, almost nauseous with nerves.  The emotions hit me before the race instead of after.  As Emily and I stood on Congress Ave in Austin, Texas with 15,000 other runners waiting for the sun to rise, I realized the journey God had taken us on over the past 15 weeks and it was about to be over.  I wasn’t running this race to just mark another race off my bucket list.

I was running because of the deep desire God put on my heart.

I was running to use over 4 hours to worship God for giving me the strength to push my body past my own limits.  Knowing I had to rely on God to get me through each step and cross the finish line with Him carrying me.

I was running to spend time with a sister in Christ and to enjoy the sacrifices we made during all of those cold and early training runs.

I was running to see God reveal to me my self worth and give me a renewed mind.  To look past my fears and shortcomings and towards hope and a future.

Emily and I cruised through the race.  We had aches and pains but nothing excruciating.  By mile 13 we started praying for our close family and friends.  We prayed out loud.  Forgetting about the temporary pain we were enduring and praying for those hurting around us.  We put our headphones in shortly after this and tried not to increase our pace too much as we jammed out to our tunes.

I never hit my usual ‘wall’, this was new to me. I kept thinking I would get there, but I only became tired and slightly fatigued those last 2.5 miles.  Emily seemed to have an extra spring in her step compared to myself,  but I didn’t let it get to me.  I had to remind myself the pain is only temporary.  With about 800 meters to go we had to climb up the biggest hill yet.  Who planned this race! Why would they do that to us!? Ok I wasn’t surprised;) As much as I wanted to walk,  I knew I couldn’t.  I turned to my right to see our cheering squad encouraging me up that hill.  They ran up on the side with me and I knew I was so close I couldn’t give up now.    Emily was right around the curve and we were able to finish together just like we started:)  Once we crossed the big fat finish line and wobbled through the chute, our emotions and feelings stood still for a moment.

I think we became instantly nostalgic that this race was over and the journey God took us on these 15 weeks had ended as well.  It’s amazing how God can used a simple race to teach me so much about myself while growing closer to Him.  This race was more then just another marathon and I will forever cherish the journey it took me on.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28



Summer 5k Plan + Nutritional Tips

preview*split lunges in half, i.e. say 50, do 25 ea. leg AND on days that I have listed Walk/Bike/Run for a number of minutes, just pick one!

Above is a 28 day plan. You can make it harder by adding miles, start at 3 miles and work up to a 10k, as well as add a set of tri-cep/push-up/lunges/squats/planks,etc EVERY day, instead of every other day. To make it easier opt out of the body weight exercises all together and focus on only walking or only jogging. Try to throw in at least one rest day a week to keep you going! Right now, the calendar is at an basic/intermediate level that will be a challenge for this group, especially if you are new to running!

Form is EVERYTHING. Core stays engaged on all exercises(belly button pulled to the spine)! Squat with feet shoulder width and forward. Knee should not extend over toe on lunges. Keep tension out of your neck and shoulders and engage that core!

Nutritional Tips:

Avoid Sugar! Every 6 days allow yourself ONE sweet item.

Avoid processed foods! Enjoy all of the great produce. Keep your meals basic and fresh. Protein, Veggie and MAYBE brown rice/sweet potato/baked potato(eat half of one). No need for any type of white sauce or heavy sauce. Light seasoning on your grill outs will give great flavor to your protein of choice.

Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking!

Keep your portions small. One trip to the buffet and potluck or picnic, no more. Chances are you know exactly what that cookie tastes like.

Try small snacks instead of big meals. Go for walnuts, almond/peanut butter and apple, slice of swiss and apple, LARABAR or UBER bars(less ingredients, you know what’s in them!)

Printable Version, Click Below.

Printable outdoor plan

Running Like Crazy

According to NASM’s Training Edge Magazine, the act of running has increased immensely over the past 5 years,  to the point where it is at an all-time high! I love how running has become  more of the norm.  The fact that an increasingly amount of  people are desiring to push their bodies and commit to better health through running is a true testament to how far our society is coming in health. My brother-in-law is running his first half in May in Lincoln–I am happy that I am a part of that with him. I love when a first time marathoner experience a big race for the first time. It is truly incredible. As a more seasoned runner I take for granted the feeling of being a part of a race and the journey to the finish.

Below I have FOUR suggestions to avoid injury during the upcoming season. You have probably begun your first miles on the training path and to leave you feeling great! However, there will be a point that something on your journey, out of your control, will take you by surprise. Cue sad music. No worries, we CAN prevent tragedy from pavement pounding.

Run Here and There TIPS:

TIP #1. Foam roll. Buy a foam roll or buy a runner’s stick(Target or sporting goods store). I know I have talked about it before, but by performing self-myofascial release on your muscles you are almost guaranteed to prevent injury. Do this on your off days/strength days or after your runs. Foam rollers  have the ability to decrease common running injuries by 90 percent!!!!

How to use a foam roller:


Above is a picture of what a small foam roller looks like(I love it so much), they have longer rollers as well. To foam roll, focus on a particular area that is usually tight. Lower back, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, thoracic spine (upper back) adductors, IT band, and calves. It will be slightly painful but the releasing of toxins and stress in your muscles will benefit your training immensely. Find those tender spots that are tight or knotted and hold for 30 seconds. YES. You will thank me, ACTUALLY you will  thank the inventors of foam rollers. The picture below, I am foam rolling my hamstrings, IT band, and glutes. FYI-It’s not an easy task, as you can tell by my pics:




TIP #2

EASE IN. Do not over do it right away. Start training ASAP if you have a run in May. Too much too soon WILL cause shin splints and feet problems. Let running become a part of you, not you become a part of running.


Go to a trusted running store. Fit your feet for shoes, get cold weather gear, and some awesome looking running gear to inspire your runs. One may not believe new clothes are crucial to running superbly–but you are spending hours a week in them, why not feel great?

TIP #4

Hills, Sprints, Strength Training. Take two days, even if you are on a Beginners running schedule, to tackle some sprints and run some hills. Example–8-100’s, 6, 200’s on the track as well as a 1 mile run or cross training. Find a big hill, run up and down it 10 times, bleachers, steps OR Stairclimber for 30-40 minutes. Lunges with free weight( 10 reps ea. leg forward, reverse and to the side), planks, and squats are great ways to strengthen without a gym. Pilates, yoga and power yoga are also fantastic options for strength training on off days. Friends, this is essential to run here, there and EVERYWHERE. I had now idea until now, 4 half’s later, how important these 3 things are to training safely.

*Statistics on running and foam rolling from Training Edge Magazine by National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Post Marathon thoughts.

It is 6 days past my first marathon and I am walking normally:)   I will give you all a recap of the race.  First of all it was the hardest run in my life…

I started off the race with my friend and we kept a quick even pace between 8:00 and 8:30.  By mile 10 my body was already feeling it….not a good sign….  A sharp pain ran all the way down the right side of my back.  I let my friend keep going while I slowed down my pace.  As my back pain was getting worse, I was having trouble picking up my legs.  I slowed WAY down and struggled for the next 14 miles…

I struggled with every step and mile feeling as if I would never EVER finish.  I am so track minded that knowing my pace had slowed so much I knew I wasn’t going to hit my goal time and felt humiliated for running/walking so slow.

I finally crossed that finish line and my body was so weak I could barely walk without falling over.  I will save you all the misery and not go through in detail how those last miles really felt.  I had such a great group of supporters who helped when I was finished.  I was so hungry I grabbed every thing they were handing out at the end.

I definitely learned SO much through this first marathon.  Although I was pretty confident that I would never put myself through that awful race again, I can’t help but want to redeem myself and actually feel good on race day. We will see….

Feeling great at the beginning!

Post Race Medal and Smile:)

The morning after the race I woke up feeling as if I had been in a car accident.  I’m not joking.  Everything hurt but I made sure to keep moving throughout the day.  I have stretched and walked and every single day has been a huge improvement!

Don’t let this post scare you away from a Marathon.  I feel so accomplished to have finished this race.  I am so competitive so it makes it hard when I didn’t perform as I had pictured in my head.

Challenge yourself this Fall and let us know how you do!!

Race Season has arrived

Hence, our previous posts, it is obvious Simplyfitgirls desires for you to have your own race experience. Great news–tis the season! Check on-line for races in your area, most of the time there is last minute registration or even day of registration. We assure you, there are fun walks and 5ks as well as more strenuous races for all fitness types. We desire for you to experience a race, it is  well worth the time and dollars.

A couple of weeks ago a good friend and I(Roxanne) decided the week of the event to run a midnight 5k. Yes, there are nerves initially but once you are surrounded by the hundreds and sometimes thousands of people, the adrenaline does most of the work-so do not fear!  The race culture is far from intimidating. Everyone is supportive, positive and encouraging–and only a few are there to win–they are done before the majority start!

Have you recently desired to run a 5k(3.1 miles)? Are you an avid runner who is looking for some excitement in their routine OR boost of confidence, a race may be perfect for you!

Simplyfitgirls challenge–Find a race today before September and October slip away!!! Do not even question it, just register. Recruit your best friend, husband or family member too, even register them–they may hate you at first, but love you later!

11 days until 26.2.

I (Tessa) am counting down the last few days until I run my first full Marathon in Denver.  Through my training journey I have had several ups and downs.  I have spent the last several months pushing my body past its normal limit and amazing myself by reaching every new mile marker.

As I went through the highs and lows of training I came up with 11 tips and suggestions whether you are training for a 5k or full Marathon they should all be helpful! Bare with me as I go into detail on many of them:)

1. Find a training plan.  Even if you know what to do it is good to have a little extra guidance and motivation weekly.

2.  Get new shoes.  You will be running so much that you will need a couple pairs of shoes to get you through the many miles you will be doing.  Your feet will hurt regardless (unfortunately) but not as bad if you are in fresh kicks!

3.  Wear compression socks.  Compression socks help with circulation and relieving soreness in your calf muscles.  I actually don’t wear them running (but many people do).  But I do wear them after my long runs and at night when my legs are killing me.

4.  Buy a water belt.  As you start climbing up in your mileage you will need water.  I always thought they were really ugly and annoying BUT they are SO helpful.  Especially as I was training in the summer water was crucial.

5.  Find a running partner!  I would have not made it through the training without a great friend to run with.  It also helps that we are at the same running level.  So we never felt like we were holding each other back at all.  During the week we usually got our own runs in but for the long runs we always made sure to run together.

6.  Watch out for Wildlife.  I live in south Denver and over the last month I have seen so many Coyotes.  They can be very scary because they just stare at you and are not really scared of people or dogs.  There are warning signs everywhere and I didn’t really believe them until I started seeing them all the time.  So be smart and go on a trail or road that is well traveled and carry a cell phone with you.

7.  Find a gel or gummies that you can handle eating while running.  I use the Clif blockers.  They are similar to big fruit snacks.  It is so important when running more then an hour that you get carbs in your system.  Even if your not hungry your body needs that instant sugar and carbs to keep going.

8.  Don’t EVER drink water from a lake, river etc.  I had a lovely experience after I ran 17 miles for the first time.  My friend and I were completely exhausted so we decided to soak our feet in the ice cold stream after our run.  I couldn’t help but splash my arms, face, head basically my whole body.  Who wouldn’t?? The water felt so good on the hot morning.  The next day I was feeling funny…a little nauseous, really tired and something was going on in my stomach.  The entire week was really rough to get through.  I could barely make myself run, eat and be upbeat at work.  I thought it was because it had been such a grueling run in the heat and the longest I had ever run before.  I was convinced I would never make it through the training program if I couldn’t even handle 17 miles.  It wasn’t until the following Saturday when I was retelling the story of my long run did a HUGE light bulb go off in my head……..TESSA it was because you drank the water duh….   I was immediately relieved that it wasn’t the run HA!  My friends were concerned about me and began to tell me all of the awful things that were in the water which were working through my body all week.  Big learning experience:) And I felt much better the next week after everything was through my system.

9.  Listen to your body.  Like my previous tip it is important to listen to your body.  That week I felt awful and could hardly run which just about killed me.  But it would have been worse to hate every single run and my body would have gotten even worse.  There is a time to make yourself get out there and push yourself but when you are overly tired and feeling burnt out then take a day off and get after it the next day.

10.  Core and Weight Train.  With so much time committed to running it is still important to do core training at least 2 times a week and strength training 2-3 times a week.

11. Seek out a professional.  This goes along with listening to your body.  I have always had neck/shoulder issues.  I went to a massage therapist because I was desperate for some relief.  It turned out to be the best decision ever.  I found one of the best who has not just made me feel better for the day but is literally putting my body back in its place.  My hips were off which has caused my neck so much pain.  She has also opened up my ribs to help me breath better and loosened up my hip flexors and ankles.  I ran 18 miles two days after I went to her for the second time and I felt like I could run forever because I had no pain.  She is literally a huge part in getting me through this training program and Marathon.




Feel free to ask Simplyfitgirls any questions on running or training for a race.

1/2 Marathon training epiphany

Simplyfitgirls decided last time they were together, their all-time favorite “shape” to be in is half marathon shape.  However, I(Roxanne) can only say that now, because I am FINALLY, 6 weeks in, feeling  I have crossed over the threshold of pushing through to pushing more–it has been a long journey. I assure you, this can and will happen to anyone going through this process. You can feel the joy of running(maybe even experience the coveted running high), unfortunately you have to get through the YUCK! There is NOT a better word. If you do not run, have taken a break from running, or cannot quite get past the 1-miler AND desire to get the running bug–you are not going to like to run, NOT ONE BIT. There is no better way to express this truth.

The yuck feeling is worth it, I assure you–don’t feel like you have to run a half marathon, 10K’s and 5K’s are just as awesome!

Here are some tips to push through and push more:

1. Hydrate everyday

2. Marathon Stick anyone? A key investment for your muscles. Tessa, can I get an AMEN!?! They even have one for your puppy!

3. Getting a running partner, ideally the same speed type with similar goals

4. Mix in longer and shorter runs throughout the week.  Work in these standards, start at the low mileage range and increase every two weeks–i.e. Mon. & Wed.–1-2 miles, Tues. & Thurs.–3-5 miles, Rest one day, ride your bike one day, shoot for a longer run, 5 miles or more on the weekend(feel free to increase week to week)

5. Add in speed and strength work at least once a week, super for your stride! Walk a block, jog a block, sprint a block and repeat  for 2 miles.

6. Protein, Coconut water, Gatorade–replenish. First time I have ever added protein powder into my training–it has done wonders on recovery time.

7. As much as the run may feel yucky, know  you are going to feel great afterward no matter what.

8. Focus on your breathing from the start, it keeps your mind occupied.

Now hit the pavement.

Killer Colorado Hills

After living in South Denver for a little over a month, I discovered that on almost all trails or side walks this state is notorious for “sneaking” in killer hills EVERYWHERE!

My favorite place to run since I have been here is The Bluffs trails.  It is one of the closest trails to where I live.  There are three main reasons I LOVE running there.

1.  The views are spectacular.  From the trails you are able to see all the way to downtown and all the suburbs surrounding south Denver.  You can also see the entire mountain range!!  Who wouldn’t want to run there?!

2.  There is always local people either running, walking or biking on the trail.  So I always feel encouraged to see others working out as well.

3.  The third reason I love running here is the killer HILLS!  Yes, you heard me right because of the hills…

These hills get me EVERYTIME!  The first time I ran them I thought it was just the altitude still bothering me.  But no, those hills challenge me each time I do it.

I have found to love these hills because of the challenge and instant gratification it gives me afterward.  It gets my heart rate up more then normal which causes me to be huffing and puffing for awhile:)

Here is a picture of one of those “sneaky” gradual hills on the trail.

After I ran for 35 minutes on the trail I went back up the “killer hill” to one of the plateaus.  This was my view…

While up on the plateau, I felt as if I had the mountains to myself for awhile:)  I then did a fun little workout that I encourage you to try!

-25 body squats

-25 step up (there was a bench up there I used) with right foot and lift left leg to 90 degrees and balance

-25 body squats with feet and knees facing outward

-25 step up left foot to balance right leg at 90 deg

-25 body squats

-25 double leg jump up and balance on bench

-25 body squats with feet and knees facing outward

FINALLY!- 25 squat jumps continuously

Enjoy:) and challenge yourself to attack those hills!

A Fun Fall 10k!

This past Sunday I ran a 10k called Fans on the Field which supported the National Sports Center for the Disabled.  The race started outside of Sports Authority Field (Broncos stadium), continued through the downtown streets of Denver leading into the Pepsi Center (Nuggets and Avalanche) and all the way to Coors Field (Rockies baseball field).  It then ended on the 5o yard line in the Sports Authority Field.  Since I am new to Denver it was very fun to explore the city as I was running!

Besides my Cross Country races this was the largest road race I have run in.  Because of the thousands of people it made it a little more difficult to run a good time.  My first mile was much slower then I would have liked but it was too hard to get through the people.  When the course finally opened on the streets a friend and I took off and passed people to settle into a decent pace.  I loved being able to run through all of the venues and experience Denver in a new way.

I was so glad to have this race at the end of the month so I could make my self put the time and effort into training to be prepared for it.  I encourage you to enter a race or give yourself a challenge to work towards.  We all need that extra push sometimes and I have found that preparing for a race is a great way!

8 Easy Miles

Yesterday I ran 4 miles.  I was dragging and it felt like the longest 4 miles ever.

Today I ran 8 miles.  It felt somewhat effortless and went by quickly.

Through my many years of running I have found that it is best not to get uptight about a hard 4 miles.  I have also found that when I know beforehand I am going to run longer (such as 8 miles) and have mentally prepared for it I run better.  Two other factors played a huge role in my run.  This weekend I ran  at an amazing park in Denver called Washington Park.  It is tucked away in the city surrounded by a beautiful landscape and hundreds of people all engaging in physical activity.  I also ran with someone else.  Most of the time I love and even prefer running by myself, but for long runs it is very helpful to have someone gutting it out right beside you.

If you’ve found yourself in a running “RUT”–

Try something new:

  • Change up your route
  • Mix up your distance- try 1 hard mile followed by 2 miles at pace then another harder mile
  • Find a running buddy or ditch your running buddy (if they are holding you back)
  • If you always run with music try taking a break from it for awhile (it can be good to hear your footsteps and breathing)
  • Change the time of day you are running

Let us know how you get out of your running rut!