More then just a Marathon

As a runner, I always get asked if I have run a marathon.  The last four years I sleepishly  nod my head and follow it with, “but it was the worst race I have ever ran…”  I was ashamed of my experience. It was painful and I hated almost every step of the race.  I want what I think most want from a marathon.  I wanted to cross it off my list.  I wanted it to be a part of my story. But I hated the outcome and instead ended up leaving it out. I mean, I couldn’t even put a coveted 26.2 sticker on my car!

Fast forward to four years later, 9 half marathons under my belt and I was finally at least “open” to the idea of running another marathon.  So many life changes happened to me in 2015.  In July, I quit the job that I had been at for three and a half years, took a leap of faith and started personal training at a studio with many of my co-workers .  I realized I had never quit a job.  Even though I was going to be in the same line of work, I did not have a secured income.  Despite the uneasy feeling I knew in my heart, for my own health and well-being, this was the best step for me.  Most of all I was beginning to not only say it, but believed God would provide. Relinquishing control was going to be no easy journey.

Then I was given an open door. I spent a weekend with one of my best friends and running buddies at the end of October.  Emily has asked me multiple times to do another marathon with her.  I have given her the same look and response every time.  It was a quick ‘no ‘and a change of subject.  You know someone is a true friend when they are persistent.  She seemed to believe in me more than I believed in myself.  I went to visit Emily and her husband, Sean, to get away, be encouraged and spend quality time with them.  I was at a point where I was struggling with what was next.  I had many frustrations toward God and not understanding where he was leading me and why I had to go through so many ups and downs that fall. I knew I needed to revamp my outlook.  Emily and I started talking about running and the impact it has on our lives.  We were trying to figure out what our next race would be.  I always assume she knows it will be a half-marathon.  Then I said I would really like to go to Austin again and race in February.  Emily pointed out that we couldn’t fly all the way to Austin and run the half…I surprised myself by saying, “lets do it.”

Lets run the FULL MARATHON.  In my head thinking, are these words really coming out of my mouth??? Emily was just as surprised as I was.  But it was time.  It was time to overcome my fear of marathons.  But most importantly, running is where I feel closest to God.  It is the place I have had my biggest breakdowns and biggest breakthroughs.  God has taught me lessons and revealed more to me then I even know, through running.  In a season where I needed to stop seeking affirmation from this world, training for a full marathon was my way of growing closer to God.

Emily, Sean and I sat in Starbucks that Sunday morning dreaming and getting giddy about the possibility of running the marathon in Austin.  Sean just laughed at us because we sounded like crazy girls getting so excited to run 26.2 mile while training through the winter and the holidays.  We were up for the challenge, being only 15 weeks away we couldn’t linger on this decision.  We had to decide quickly, start making travel plans and study our training plan.

Emily and I texted each other almost daily telling each other of our great runs or those days we had to pound away for 8 miles on the treadmill.  We were able to do almost all of our long runs together.  We endured negative degree temps, snow obstacles and the occasional 60 degree January Saturday. Those long runs provided us with time to talk about our weeks, our relationship with God and dreams of the future.

Fast forward to February 14, 2016.  Valentine’s Day.  Or as we called it that weekend, GALentine’s Day.  As a single girl, I wasn’t by myself on this day.  I was with 4 amazing friends.  I was also about to run 26.2 miles on this romantic holiday.  My confidence was high about the race and our training.  It all hit me that morning.  I felt sick, almost nauseous with nerves.  The emotions hit me before the race instead of after.  As Emily and I stood on Congress Ave in Austin, Texas with 15,000 other runners waiting for the sun to rise, I realized the journey God had taken us on over the past 15 weeks and it was about to be over.  I wasn’t running this race to just mark another race off my bucket list.

I was running because of the deep desire God put on my heart.

I was running to use over 4 hours to worship God for giving me the strength to push my body past my own limits.  Knowing I had to rely on God to get me through each step and cross the finish line with Him carrying me.

I was running to spend time with a sister in Christ and to enjoy the sacrifices we made during all of those cold and early training runs.

I was running to see God reveal to me my self worth and give me a renewed mind.  To look past my fears and shortcomings and towards hope and a future.

Emily and I cruised through the race.  We had aches and pains but nothing excruciating.  By mile 13 we started praying for our close family and friends.  We prayed out loud.  Forgetting about the temporary pain we were enduring and praying for those hurting around us.  We put our headphones in shortly after this and tried not to increase our pace too much as we jammed out to our tunes.

I never hit my usual ‘wall’, this was new to me. I kept thinking I would get there, but I only became tired and slightly fatigued those last 2.5 miles.  Emily seemed to have an extra spring in her step compared to myself,  but I didn’t let it get to me.  I had to remind myself the pain is only temporary.  With about 800 meters to go we had to climb up the biggest hill yet.  Who planned this race! Why would they do that to us!? Ok I wasn’t surprised;) As much as I wanted to walk,  I knew I couldn’t.  I turned to my right to see our cheering squad encouraging me up that hill.  They ran up on the side with me and I knew I was so close I couldn’t give up now.    Emily was right around the curve and we were able to finish together just like we started:)  Once we crossed the big fat finish line and wobbled through the chute, our emotions and feelings stood still for a moment.

I think we became instantly nostalgic that this race was over and the journey God took us on these 15 weeks had ended as well.  It’s amazing how God can used a simple race to teach me so much about myself while growing closer to Him.  This race was more then just another marathon and I will forever cherish the journey it took me on.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28



Summer 5k Plan + Nutritional Tips

preview*split lunges in half, i.e. say 50, do 25 ea. leg AND on days that I have listed Walk/Bike/Run for a number of minutes, just pick one!

Above is a 28 day plan. You can make it harder by adding miles, start at 3 miles and work up to a 10k, as well as add a set of tri-cep/push-up/lunges/squats/planks,etc EVERY day, instead of every other day. To make it easier opt out of the body weight exercises all together and focus on only walking or only jogging. Try to throw in at least one rest day a week to keep you going! Right now, the calendar is at an basic/intermediate level that will be a challenge for this group, especially if you are new to running!

Form is EVERYTHING. Core stays engaged on all exercises(belly button pulled to the spine)! Squat with feet shoulder width and forward. Knee should not extend over toe on lunges. Keep tension out of your neck and shoulders and engage that core!

Nutritional Tips:

Avoid Sugar! Every 6 days allow yourself ONE sweet item.

Avoid processed foods! Enjoy all of the great produce. Keep your meals basic and fresh. Protein, Veggie and MAYBE brown rice/sweet potato/baked potato(eat half of one). No need for any type of white sauce or heavy sauce. Light seasoning on your grill outs will give great flavor to your protein of choice.

Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking!

Keep your portions small. One trip to the buffet and potluck or picnic, no more. Chances are you know exactly what that cookie tastes like.

Try small snacks instead of big meals. Go for walnuts, almond/peanut butter and apple, slice of swiss and apple, LARABAR or UBER bars(less ingredients, you know what’s in them!)

Printable Version, Click Below.

Printable outdoor plan

The Power Against the Grain (WORKOUT INCLUDED)

We all have that place. A place of overwhelming and disabling darkness. It takes us to our insecurities and leaves us there overwhelmed and numb. It kind of feels good too. We like to revel in our pain a little bit, it’s human nature. That pain alters how we act, how we feel, what we do with our day in a negative way. People around us feel it, but for some reason we don’t care, it is honestly fun to hold on to.

So let’s change this today. Life is way better when we push out that mindset and go against those natural feelings. People will notice and be drawn to you. So on this FRIGID day, I challenge you to knock those feelings out with positive response or thought. Every time you catch yourself in jealously, rage, body image wars, whatever it may be FIND THE GOOD. Shut out LIES and CRAVE TRUTH. Do everything in your power to overcome those untrue thoughts. Let a mindset of transformation lead you today, especially in the difficultly surrounding you. The power and truth found against the grain is a beautiful thing.


Think of the treadmill as your fight against the grain  you may experience each day as you go into this workout! Make it a mind and body experience!


5 minute jog–incline 4-5

2 min. run–incline–8

1min AS FAST AS YOU CAN GO. –incline 5

10 burpees

Repeat 5 times


5 minute walk–incline at 5

2 minute light jog OR brisk walk–incline at 7

1 minute run or brisk walk–incline at 5

20 mountain climbers–Plank position, bring knees to elbows alternating while remaining in a plank position


10 pushups, 30 sec. Plank


Feel refreshed? Did you find the HAPPY PLACE against the grain?

January Ends. Do your goals?

Whew! This month has been a long one! You have stuck with you new resolution every day right?

The daunting task of keeping up with lofty goals can crush us. Is it possible to set proper goals, but have too high expectations for the outcome? YES. That trend is what halts our dreams of change. We expect to see a sudden change, and when a change does not meet our expectations we quit, we give up. Let’s break down some common barriers of the mind as we reach our goals, along with “fix it” ideas to combat certain trends.

Barrier One. Everything or Nothing ideology.

You’ve been flawless the last few weeks, not breaking any rule you have set and THEN, there is an event. You splurge. Then the weekend comes and you go off the deep end. You’re done, you’ve failed, next year you can try again.

FIX IT: SimplyFit HATES extreme dieting and weight loss. It is unrealistic and look around, everyone who does it looks amazing for a month and puts it right back on! Seriously, do we not see that? It’s not about that bathing suit for the trip or the big event ahead, it is about your health and maintaining for a lifetime. We have adopted the 80/20 rule. Splurge sometimes, take a day off of training 20 percent of the time. Give your body GRACE as it works to LIVE a full life as well as STAY healthy.

Barrier Two. “I am on a diet, ugh.”

Again, diets come to an end, enough said. They cannot maintained. Figure out some areas of weakness for yourself!


Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5. 5 being stellar. This can help you pinpoint your weaknesses to exercising and dieting and why you give up.

Barrier Three. NO accountability.

Keeping your goals private or trying to do it all alone without someone pushing your or keeping you accountable is a recipe for disaster.

FIX IT: Find a trainer, workout class, friend (motivated friend that you look up to, put jealousy aside!). Technology can do wonders as well. FitBit trackers and other gadgets can keep you competitive with a community of people to meet your goals. So then you can stay private BUT keep yourself accountable. Create a FaceBook group page with a small group of friends you trust. Plan a weekly or bi-weekly workout together. Strength in numbers!!



PICTURE ABOVE: Tessa is my inspiration to stay on track! We both love the idea of balanced lives and push each other to try new things that challenge our bodies. No reason to be competitive, just supportive to one another. Find someone like that, that you trust and has similar goals!

Stretch It.

Today, I participated in a Flow Yoga class. Full disclosure: the entire time I was thinking: when is this going to be over! Yoga has been tough for me to bring into my daily routine of balance and health. It is scary and intimidating, my heart always races as I build up the courage to walk in the door. I am about 99% sure the instructor is going to have to correct my position and place me in a position that is sub-human, gymnast quality– OUCH!

What can we learn from Roxanne’s lack of restorative stretching? Over time, our flexibility tends to decrease and we become stiff. Flexibility is crucial to daily life and longevity. Flexibility can take years off of our life and allow us to feel younger and more agile in everything we do. When we focus on stretching our bodies, our muscles lengthen and move at a swift pace. Remember when you were 5? You could do the splits and your legs went all the way to the floor when you sat cross-legged! For most of us that seems like a distant memory(unless you are my sister-in-law Heidi who is freakishly flexible–yoga instructors love her) . Avid runners out there? Avid runners that hate stretching?! I know you exist. You just finished 10 miles, all you want to do is take  a shower and get on with your day. I run, spin, and strength train–but golly, when it comes to flexibility I tend to feel rusty. Sound familiar?

A few ways to bring the stretch back:

1. Try a BASIC yoga class for at least 10 sessions. Basic because if you try advanced you will want to cry. Trust me on this.

2. Purchase a foam roll, as it sounds, a roll of foam. I have talked about this before BUT seriously get one of these. Your muscles will feel revived–do this after every workout. Injury will decrease and performance will increase!

3. Stretch before you start your day! Or end it! Start with 5 minutes. Do some of you favorite stretches and hold and breathe for 20-30 seconds each.

4. Last thing: it’s okay to not be flexible. I am not! But I really believe we can work toward this lost practice each day. It seems to me, human nature tends to kick in when it’s stretching time–too slow, too calm, maybe? Take some quiet time and stretch!

(Pre) Pre-Natal Fitness

At almost 27 years old, I am beginning to face the fact that weekly weddings have turned into weekly expectant mothers. As it seems, everyone is embarking on this journey(I mean check out Facebook, we are doing really well at repopulating the earth)!

Because of this boom, I feel the need to speak about my experiences and conversations with soon-to-be-moms about fitness. I have yet to be pregnant, but am absolutely fascinated by the pregnant people in my life. It is a beautiful thing. But I hear the concern, I feel the concern. Our society is hell-bent on achieving a perfect figure, and the market of body-back recovery time is turning into a competition–WHAT  IS THE MEDIA DOING TO US?!

I have yet to fully experience this miracle, however I do encounter many woman who could change their pregnancy AND their recovery post baby if they choose to workout NOW, before baby is even in the picture. So if you are thinking about getting pregnant or trying, do not let up on your fitness but find a regimen that is easily modified as you become pregnant. These workouts carry over beautifully as your body changes and will hopefully allow you to bounce back well post-natal. They are also cleansing, relaxing and energizing to achieve a well-rounded(no pun intended) pregnancy.

Roxanne’s Favorite Pre-Pre- Natal Fitness–

YOGA –Yoga is a practice that if you don’t have experience in before pregnancy, you will really desire something like it during if you do not start beforehand. It’s low impact and easy to modify. It’s perfect for combating extra tiredness from pregnancy. ( DO NOT DO BIKRAM YOGA or HOT YOGA during your pregnancy)

Pilates and Barre–Pilates is fabulous to strengthen your powerhouse, otherwise known has your core. All of that pushing and more pushing when in labor, strong core muscles can help you through. Barre is a similar focus of core movement as Pilates AND is a great substitute for Pilates when you are pregnant. In Barre, you work  small twitch muscles and it is low impact as well. Be sure to ask you instructor to modify to exercises not to be performed on the back especially into your second trimester.

Spinning(Indoor Cycling)–Another great low impact workout. As your weight shifts, running and weight training can wear at your joints. Spinning is awesome because it allows you to go at your own pace. As you progress into your pregnancy you can lesson your work but still get great a great cardio workout and build leg strength. Be sure to watch your heart rate. Since your HR is already higher, be aware and do not get too out of breath as you get farther along.

If you haven’t been working out and are pregnant, that is okay! But that does not mean you cannot do something! Walking is perfect, especially if you are already well into your pregnancy.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor, nor am qualified to state this information is true for all individuals. This is based on my personal opinion and education in this area. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, check with your doctor before performing any exercise, so definitely make sure to ask the questions of what the doctor thinks you are able to do with your health history, etc.

Fit Club Lincoln

Exciting news! Starting Tuesdays and Thursdays this week I will be teaching 4 classes at Fit Club in Lincoln, NE. They will be Pilates based classes at 6:30pm and 7:30pm. The first week you try is FREE! Click the link below for the schedule. Fit Club is located at 4747 Pioneers Blvd. Suite 900 on the Second Floor! You don’t need to call ahead, simply show up!




Also, if you are interested in wonderful training classes, you can try a Fit Club group class. They base their workouts from Art of Strength training, Lincoln’s #1 Kettlebell gym. You are never thrown into it, they truly assess your fitness level and modify where needed. The 6 am & 7am classes are great. You get an intense workout full of variety, time flies and you feel good when it’s over!! Follow the link above to learn more! Their is a huge sale happening now–so it’s a great time to check it out.



On Thursday, I was given new hope. My life as of Wednesday, consisted of two years riding on a perpetual yo-yo.  I usually feel I have no idea what I am doing. I knew I had to follow a dream, I knew women needed this. The problem? Maybe women have have no idea they need this. I am at a complete loss, literally beside myself, as I cannot even GIVE my services away, knowing even if I wanted a change no one will hire me, my dreams are slipping and fading quickly. Lost in self-help blogs and one-liner encouragement from people I do not know, I AM STUCK. My vision is misunderstood. My passions are misinterpreted.

What do I want? I want women to break down barriers in self-contentment. I want women to love who they are. We, women, CAN LOVE who we are when we do little things to improve ourselves that are not overwhelming, but balanced and sustainable. It can be anything, BUT I happen to believe through communal fitness, when we are raw and vulnerable, new levels of feel good can happen. Loving one another, expanding who we know, realizing we are not alone when we feel stuck and helping each other through the sticky mess. I believe that is why humanity was created. To achieve a love higher than our understanding. To bring a love higher than our understanding. That’s what I believe. So this Thursday something changed. Something clicked in my simple, striving, failure(to me) of a business. Women accepted my invitation. They came to my free event and accepted where I was at and not only that, I felt for the first time, my vision was understood.  For a moment, they and I were given a glimpse into the specific desire of SimplyFIT.

Wine and Pilates, aka Winelates(seen below) was an evening focused on learning a new practice of fitness, thus ending the night with a glass of wine(BYOW).  After our workout, we indulged in popcorn and wine on our yoga mats!  To make new friends, experiences are necessary. Instead of just saying hi in passing we now all have a common ground. I know each girl needed that evening and took something from it.  A new friend, relaxation and/or laughter were had by all. I am extremely thankful those 10 beauties attended my little event. It may seem small to them, but it meant the world to me. I am getting closer, I can feel it. I am sure my feelings of Wednesday will return, but right now, I press on.



The 7 day AM workout

Colorado trainer and fellow Simplyfitgirls blogger Tessa, teamed up with me when I visited her in CO!  We decided to create an easy toning workout at Red Rocks. High altitude(for me) plus beautiful weather and giant spaces equals an AMAZING and literally breathtaking experience.

Do this every morning for 7 days and change your perception on working out. I know you are energized by this fabulous weather to do SOMETHING, but what? Below is an effective way to get out of your rut and BE JOYFUL for what your body can do. It is time for a spring-time shift, and  a great way to boost confidence for short and tank season:)

Simple Squat. Legs shoulder width apart, knees forward, sit down like you are sitting on a low chair, stand up and repeat 15 times.
Simple Squat. Legs shoulder width apart, knees forward, sit down like you are sitting on a low chair, stand up and repeat 15 times.




Incline Push-ups. Find a wall, bench or step. Get into a push-up position, hands directly under shoulders and push upwards then return. 15 times.
Incline Push-ups: Find a wall, bench or step. Get into a push-up position, hands directly under shoulders and push down then return. 15 times.



Full Motion step-up. Begin with legs split and in lunge position above step. Use bent leg to life up your entire body and opposite leg into 90 degrees at the peak. Do not touch the step. Engage your core and focus on balance. Do each leg, 15 times each.
Full Motion step-up: Begin with legs split and in lunge position above step. Use bent leg to life up your entire body and opposite leg into at least 90 degrees at the peak. Do not touch the step with the opposite leg that is lifting upward, it is one full motion to the top. Engage your core and focus on balance. Do each leg, 15 times each.


Tri-cep dip with leg extension. Sit with arms straight and hands forward and stable at the end of a bench or step with your seat off of the bench or step. Keep one leg extended up. Press down into a dip, repeat 15 times each leg. Total of 30.
Tri-cep dip with leg extension: Sit with arms straight and hands forward and stable at the end of a bench or step with your seat off of the bench or step. Keep one leg extended into a hover position. Press down into a dip, repeat 15 times each leg. Total of 30.


Box jumps. Find a bench or step, about knee level or a little higher. Begin in a squat position, use your legs and arms to jump on the end of the bench or step. Both legs should land at the same time, hold at the top for 1-2 sec. and return to a squat at the bottom. Repeat 15 times.
Box jumps: Find a bench or step, about knee level or a little higher. Begin in a squat position, use your legs and arms to jump on the end of the bench or step. Both legs should land at the same time, hold at the top for 1-2 sec. and return to a squat at the bottom. Repeat 15 times.


REPEAT 1-3 more times, then run/bike/walk one mile! This is similar to the 28 day challenge, but if you were weary or unsure about what those exercises looked like, this will be helpful! Try this variation for 7 days!

JUMP-START your outdoor workouts!